14. Juli 2023
Satanic Togas & Gee Tee, Komet, 21:00
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Satanic Togas (AUS)

SATANIC TOGAS charge through this split with all the grit, dirt, and swag. The Sydney three-piece has the sound and feel of dusty, bluesy garage, all while being screamed through a telephone. I get PUSSY GALORE by way of Detroit. Great stuff from what I would expect of a Goodbye Boozy band, both songs carry the weight in under three minutes of ripping.   ZOIDS are a tough one to nail down, I can’t find any info on them for the life of me. On the split, they start where SATANIC TOGAS left off, but without any solid footing. There is nothing in their two songs that sync up, and at times I feel like I am listening through the walls of two different bands’ rehearsals. Rough.


Gee Tee (AUS)

Based in Sydney, Australia and lead by the iconic Kel Mason, this band of maniacal rock n roll miscreants has been blowing drooly-punk minds for the past few years with a rash of out-of-print records and ridiculous videos that have bounced around the proper channels of the internet underbelly.

A white hot set on the web-only Gonerfest 17 was greeted with cheers of joy, and ultimately re-issued as a cassette and LP. They made it over in full three-dimensional form for Gonerfest 19 and a completely unhinged US tour in 2022.

Now Goner is proud to unleash their new album — Goodnight Neanderthal — ten blasts of the spazzy lo-fi attack you know and love, full of buzzy guitars, cheap synths and earworm hooks that demand to be sung in the shower. Or in your car. Or on your bike.

Gee Tee rules. Get on board or get out of the way.